What is SKOverlay?
SKOverlay is a StoreKit class that serves as a tool for developers to conveniently suggest apps to their users. As the name implies, developers can use the iTunes identifier of another app on the App Store to present the user with a banner-sized overlay, encompassing essential details such as the recommended app’s icon, title, and a concise overview. This class additionally offers the flexibility to adjust the overlay’s positioning on the screen. It’s important to note that SKOverlay’s purpose is exclusively tailored for app recommendations. For suggesting other types of media, developers should utilize the SKStoreProductViewController.

Technical Implementation
Bid Request
The SKOverlay attribute is a critical component of the Bid Request, specifically located within the BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn
object. This object is a standard feature in ad requests from all compatible inventories, signifying its importance in the ad request process.
These attributes are designed to enhance the functionality and efficiency of ad requests, ensuring a seamless integration and operation within the HyBid SDK.
Definition of Bid Request Parameters
Signal | Type | Description | Example |
version | String | Supported version of SKAdNetwork. Always "2.0" or higher. Dependent on both the OS version and the SDK version. | "version":"2.0" |
sourceapp | String | ID of publisher app in Apple’s App Store. Should match BidRequest.app.bundle | "sourceapp":"880047117" |
skadnetids | String Array | A subset of SKAdNetworkIdentifier entries in the publisher app’s info.plist that are relevant to the DSP. | ["SKAdNetwork1.skadnetwork"," SKAdNetwork2.skadnetwork"] |
skoverlay | Array | List of attributes that should be provided on the bid response | "skoverlay":["present", "pos","dismissible","delay", "endcarddelay","autoclose"] As of HyBid 3.1.0 we will also signal “click” attribute → "skoverlay":["present","pos","dismissible","delay", "endcarddelay","autoclose", "click"] |
Bid Response
When a bid request is received that includes the BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn.skoverlay
array, Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs) have the option to respond with specific parameters encapsulated in the object described below. We expect the below table values in the BidResponse.seatbid.bid.ext.skadn.skoverlay
location in the bid response.
Upon detecting this object in the bid response, HyBid SDK will display the SKOverlay over the advertisement, adhering to the customization guidelines specified in the response.
Definition of Bid Response
Attribute | Type | Description | Conditions | Example |
present | Binary | HyBid SDK needs to present the SKOverlay | HyBid SDK >= Version 2.21.1 | “present”:1 (1 = Yes, 0 = No) |
click | Binary; default 1 | 1: Click tracking enabled for SKOverlay 0: Click tracking disabled for SKOverlay | HyBid SDK >= Version 3.1.0 | **"click":1 1 = Yes, 0 = No** |
delay | int; default 0 | Delay in seconds before showing the overlay (0-60) | Will Be Available Soon | “delay”:3 (0 to 60 Seconds) |
dismissible | Binary; default 0 | Should the SKOverlay be dismissable by the user | HyBid SDK Version >=2.21.1 | “dismissible”:0 (1 = Yes, 0 = No) |
pos | Binary; default 1 | Position of the overlay; 0 = bottom, 1 = bottom raised | HyBid SDK Version >=2.21.1 | “pos”:0 (0 = bottom, 1 = bottom raised) |
endcarddelay | int; default 0 | Delay in seconds before showing the overlay on top of the end card (0-60). Use -1 if you do not want to show the overlay on top of the end card | For -1 : HyBid SDK Version >=2.21.1 For 0-60 : Will Be Available Soon | “endcarddelay”:0 (-1 to 60 Seconds) |
autoclose | int; default 0 | Time in seconds to automatically dismiss the overlay (0-60). Value of 0 means no automatic dismiss | Will Be Available Soon | “autoclose”:0 (0 to 60 Seconds) |
HyBid SDK Version Compatibility
HyBid SDK Version Compatibility: Starting from HyBid SDK version 2.21.1, all the parameters listed below are supported, and bid response values for these parameters can be accepted. However, please note that actual customizations based on these parameters will only be applied in the relevant versions of the HyBid SDK.
Stable Development and Demand Partner Convenience: This approach ensures a more stable development environment and reduces the need for demand partners to frequently adjust bid response parameters to match specific HyBid SDK versions.
Full Customization Support: From Hybid SDK version 2.21.1 onwards, full support for customizations as per the specifications mentioned below is available.
HyBid SDK Version | Bid Request Signal on compatible inventory | Bid Response accepted from partners | SDK Functionality |
2.21.1 | "skoverlay":["present", "pos","dismissible","delay", "endcarddelay","autoclose"] | - present - pos - dismissible - delay - endcarddelay - autoclose | Apart from the basic pre checks, from HyBid SDK version 2.21.1 onwards, the following parameters are honoured and customised accordingly. present: 0/1, pos: 0/1, dismissible:0/1 and encarddelay: -1 only. delay:0, endcarddelay: 0 (for all values except -1) and autoclose: N/A |
3.1.0 and newer versions | "skoverlay":["present", "pos","dismissible","delay", "endcarddelay","autoclose","click"] | - present - pos - dismissible - delay - endcarddelay - autoclose - click | As of 3.1.0, we added “click tracking” support to SKOverlay |
Conditions for SKOverlay Placements:
They are only compatible with iOS 14 and above, and must be used with the appropriate versions of the HyBid SDK, as detailed in the section "HyBid SDK versions and supported SKOverlay Functionality." These placements can be either full screen or interstitial. Additionally, existing SKAN validations must be met for the SKOverlays to function properly
HyBid SDK only fires clicks when a user initiates it, there are no automatic clicks triggered when showing the SKOverlay.
Additional Information
Exploring SKAdNetwork Support in HyBid SDK
For comprehensive insights and guidance on integrating and utilizing SKAdNetwork with the HyBid SDK, particularly for iOS 14 and later versions, please visit our dedicated iOS 14+ and SKAdNetwork page.