This documentation explains how to configure HyBid SDK adapters in the Google Ad Manager 360 for the header bidding scenario. Documentation covers:
- Platforms: iOS and Android
- Inventory sizes: 320x50, 300x250, 320x480
Opposite to the mediation, header bidding requires setup of many yield groups covering different pricing points (we recommend to use 10 cents brackets, please consult with your account manager for the details and assistance).
Please refer to the mapping table below for the relevant Custom Events.
Create a new mobile app
In the Inventory section, create a new mobile app that you would like to monetize:
Share app id for this app with your mobile developer - it would be in the format ca-app-pub-...~....
Create a new ad unit
In the Inventory section, create ad unit with relevant size:
Supported sizes are:
- 320x50
- 300x250
- 320x480
Create a new mobile application tag
In the Ad unit section, create Mobile application tag:
Share the tag details with your mobile developer - it would be in the format /219576711/iOS_320x50_mediation
Create a new company and new adnetwork
In the Delivery section, go to Yield Groups and create a new yield group.
For this step, you would need to create first:
- New Adnetwork (e.g. can be called V-test-adnetwork)
- At this step you might need to create a new Company. You can create AdNetwork -> Choose Other Company -> Enable Mediation:
Create key-values
In the Inventory section, go to Key-values and add New key-value.
We recommend to start with 1 set of key-values for testing:
A targeting of eCPM 0.10 can include the following keywords:
Create a new yield group
Add a new yield partner:
Yield Partner -> network from previous step
Integration type -> custom event
Status -> active
Default CPM -> setup CPM to match waterfall position (would be 10 cents in our example)
Checkbox Override dynamic CPM
Label -> add a name for reporting
Class Name -> HyBidDFPHeaderBiddingBannerCustomEvent (please refer to the mapping table below)
Parameter -> should be obtained from account manager (e.g. { "pn_app_token": "3e98d63843d8437c8d35a05edab557dd","pn_zone_id": "1"}
Create a new yield group and target the mobile app and inventory size:
Target the desired key-value pairs that are matching eCPM price:
Save yield group:
Mapping table for Custom Events
Platform | Ad Unit Size | Custom Event |
iOS | 320x50 | HyBidDFPHeaderBiddingBannerCustomEvent |
iOS | 300x250 | HyBidDFPHeaderBiddingMRectCustomEvent |
iOS | 320x480 | HyBidDFPHeaderBiddingInterstitialCustomEvent |
Android | 320x50 | net.pubnative.lite.adapters.dfp.HyBidDFPBannerCustomEvent |
Android | 300x250 | net.pubnative.lite.adapters.dfp.HyBidDFPMRectCustomEvent |
Android | 320x480 | net.pubnative.lite.adapters.dfp.HyBidDFPInterstitialCustomEvent |