API Reference

Data Dictionary

Deal Settings

The table includes a definition for each field in the Deal Settings section:

Field NameDescriptionTypeIs MandatoryValueNote
Deal TypeSpecifies the type of the deal, which is automatically set to Open Deal in the Verve marketplace. Only Open Deals are available during this phase.Autogenerated FieldNoExample: Open Deal during Verve Marketplace.Auto-populated, Non-editable. The field is pre-set by the system and does not require your input. It is automatically filled based on the deal configuration.
Deal NameSpecifies the name of your deal.Text FieldYesExample: Deal TestMax length: 255 characters. This is a unique field for the Deal Portal
DescriptionSpecifies the description of your deal.Text BoxOptionalMax length: 2500 characters. Only the first 250 characters are visible. Text box is scrollable.
Verve Marketplace Deal IDThe autogenerated ID for the Verve Marketplace deal.Autogenerated FieldYesUnique, Not editable in Deal Portal. This ID is visible if there is no external Deal ID. Grayed out (or similar) if external Deal ID is present.
AdvertiserThe advertiser associated with the deal.Dropdown (Single Selection)OptionalExample: Others, Audigent, New AdvertiserIf Other is selected in the dropdown, you can input the advertiser name.
Select DSPThe Demand-Side Platform (DSP) selected for the deal.Dropdown (Single Selection)YesExample: Audigent Child Google DV360 OpenRTB 1825, Audigent Child Google-DV360-OpenRTB-VGI CTV, etc.List is in alphabetical order. Once selected and saved, DSP cannot be changed. Only available DSPs connected to the buyer account can be selected.
Select SeatThe seat associated with the DSP in the deal.Dropdown (Single Selection)OptionalExample: 1103026214 (Display & Video 360) - Audigent, 1153405600 (Display & Video 360) - Audigent, 360i - AudigentList is limited to seats associated with the DSP and buyer. List is in alphabetical order by seat name.
Time zoneThe time zone to be used for the deal’s scheduling.Dropdown (Single Selection)OptionalExample: UTCList of global time zones, ordered alphabetically. Default: UTC. Deal Portal translates the selected time zone to UTC for SOMA.
Start dateThe date and time the deal should begin.Date/Time PickerOptionalExample: 2025-01-17 23:40:3124-hour clock format. If not set, defaults to the deal’s activation time. Must not be set in the past. Codependent with deal status set to active. If deal status is paused on the start date, it overrides the start date and the deal will not run.
End dateThe date and time the deal should endDate/Time PickerOptionalExample: 2025-01-17 23:40:3124-hour clock format. This cannot be in the past. Defaults to the date the deal is paused if not set. End date cannot be set without a start date. The deal status must be active for the end date to be considered

Price Settings

The table includes a definition for each field in the Price Settings section:

Field NameDescriptionTypeIs MandatoryValue
Pricing ModelMin Price: Minimum expected CPM; demand partners can bid more.Fixed Pric: Fixed CPM; demand partners will have to bid exact amounts.No
eCPMRepresents the eCPM (Effective Cost per Thousand Impressions) based on the selected pricing model.Text Field (Spin Box)No
  • Must be ≥ $0.01 and ≤ $99.99.
  • Displayed adjacent to the pricing model field.
  • If value exceeds $40.00, a confirmation message should be shown to the user.
Deal FeeDefine the fee in % or USD.
E.g. if you put 10% Fee for $2.00 CPM the bid price Verve sends downstream will be $2.20. $0.20 will be reported and paid to the buyer.
Text Field (Spin Box)No

Deal Reporting Labels

The table includes a definition for each field in the Deal Reporting Labels section:

Field NameDescriptionTypeIs Mandatory
Sales PersonSelect a user assigned to the Media Planner role for the given buyer.DropdownNo
TraffickerAllows the selection of users assigned to either Trafficker or Ad Ops roles for the specified buyer.DropdownNo

Define your Deal’s Ad Formats and Device Types

The table includes a definition for each field in the Define your Deal’s Ad Formats and Device Types section:

Field NameDescriptionTypeValue
Ad FormatAllows you to specify whether to allow or block ad targeting based on ad formatDropdownAllow, Block
Ad Format SelectionEnables you to select specific ad formats for targeting.DropdownExamples: Native Ads, Native Videos, Instream Preroll video, Instream Midroll video, Instream Postroll video, etc.
Device TypeAllows you to specify whether to allow or block targeting based on device types.DropdownAllow, Block
Device Type SelectionEnables you to select specific device types for targeting.DropdownExample: SmartPhone, Desktop, Tablet, Smart-TV, Feature Phone, and Other
Ad SizeAllows you to specify whether to allow or block targeting based on ad sizes.DropdownAllow, Block
Ad Size SelectionEnables you to select specific ad sizes for targetingDropdownExample: 300x250, 728x90, 160x600, 320x50, 970x250, 300x600, etc.

Define your Deal’s Geography

The table includes a definition for each field in the Define your Deal’s Geography section:

Field NameDescriptionTypeValue
CountryDisplays a list of countries available for targeting, with options to allow or block specific countries.ListExamples: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria
Allow/Block (Country)Allows or blocks targeting of a specific country.Allow, Block
StateDisplays states within a selected country for targeting.ListExample: California, Texas (when the US is selected)
Allow/Block (State)Allows or blocks targeting of a specific state within specific countriesAllow, Block
CityDisplays cities within a selected states for targetingListExample: Los Angeles, San Francisco
Allow/Block (City)Allows or blocks targeting of a specific city within specific state.Allow, Block
Country SummarySummarizes the targeting made at the country level.Section FooterExample: Afghanistan: Allow, Algeria: Block
State SummarySummarizes the targeting made at the state levelSection FooterExample: California: Allow, Texas: Block
City SummarySummarizes the targeting made at the city level.Section FooterExample: Los Angeles: Allow, San Francisco: Block
Zip code targetingAllows you to specify whether to allow or block targeting based on zip codesDropdownAllow, Block
Bulk UploadProvides a downloadable template for bulk uploading zip code targeting data.Button
UploadEnables you to upload a list of zip codes for targeting.Button
Geo FencingAllows you to specify geographic boundaries using map tools or Multi ID options for geofencing.Section HeaderOptions: Map, Multi ID
MapAllows you to configure geographic boundaries visually on a map interface.Button
Multi IDAllows you to configure geographic boundaries by uploading or specifying multiple geographic identifiers.ButtonOptions: Bulk Upload Template and Upload
Bulk Upload TemplateProvides a downloadable template to ensure correct formatting for uploading Multi ID data.Button
UploadEnables you to upload a file containing Multi ID data for geofencing purposes.Button

Add Audiences & Contextual Segments to your Deal

The table includes a definition for each field in the Add Audiences & Contextual Segments to your Deall section:

Field NameDescriptionTypeValue
EIDSpecifies whether to allow or block the type of Encrypted Identifier being targeted.Dropdown/SelectAllow, Block
EID SelectionEnables to select specific Encrypted Identifier options available in list for targeting.Multi-SelectAt least one EID value must be selected when Allow or Block is applied.
The possible values are: Unified ID 2.0, ID5, LiveRamp, NetID, etc.
Data Provider Lists the data providers offering audience and contextual segments. Can be filtered or selected to add segments to groups.Dropdown/SelectThe possible selected values for Data Provider are: Verve Audiences, Smaato Audiences, and 3rd-Party Audiences.
Logical OperatorSpecifies the logical operator for combining groups and segments in targeting.DropdownThe possible values for logic operator are: AND BETWEEN/OR WITHIN, OR BETWEEN/AND WITHIN.
Required; must select one of the provided combined logical operators.
Create New GroupTo create a new group to determine whether a segment is part of the group (included) or not part of the group (excluded).ButtonYou can create maximum up to 5 groups
Column+Dropdown filter that allows you to customize and select the columns displayed in a Segment table.Dropdown with CheckboxThe values are ID, Cost, Total Reach, etc.
Search by NameAllows you to search audience segments by name.Search BoxThe possible values are: Behavioral Audiences
SegmentDisplays the name of audience segment available for targetingText ColumnExample: Verve Audiences > Behavioral Audiences > Mobile Carrier AT&T
IDUnique identifier for each audience segment.Numeric ColumnExample: 5003
CostRepresents the CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) associated with each audience segment.Numeric ColumnExample: $1.00
Total ReachIndicates the total audience size available for the specific segment.Numeric ColumnExample: 54700
ActionOptions to either include or exclude the audience segment from the targeting group.Include, Exclude
Targeting SummaryProvides an overview of the selected audience segments and logical groupings applied. Users can remove segments or groups from this panel.Panel
RemoveOption to remove a specific audience segment or group from the targeting summary.Button
Add AudienceAllow you to save a audience segment to the list or group for targeted inclusion or exclusion.Button

Add Inventory targeting

The table includes a definition for each field in the Add Inventory targetingsection:

Field NameDescriptionTypeValue
Inventory TypeSpecifies whether to allow or block certain types of inventory for targeting.DropdownAllow, Block
Inventory Type SelectionEnables you to select specific Inventory Type selection for targeting.Multi-SelectIn-app, CTV, Web
List of BundlesDetermines whether to allow or block specific bundles for inventory targeting.Dropdown
Bulk Upload Template (Bundles)Provides a downloadable template for bulk uploading bundle lists.Button
Upload (Bundles)Enables you to upload a list of bundles for targeting.Button
List of AppsDetermines whether to allow or block specific apps for inventory targeting.DropdownAllow, Block
Bulk Upload Template (List of Apps)Provides a downloadable template for bulk uploading apps list..Button
Upload (List of Apps)Enables you to upload a list of apps for targeting.Button
List of Ad SpacesDetermines whether to allow or block specific ad spaces for inventory targeting.Dropdown
Bulk Upload Template (List of Ad Spaces)Provides a downloadable template for bulk uploading ad space lists.Button
Upload (Ad Spaces)Enables you to upload a list of ad spaces for targeting.Button
List of OTT/Ad BreaksAllows you to specify whether to allow or block specific OTT (Over-The-Top) ad breaks for targeting.DropdownAllow, Block
Bulk Upload Template (OTT/Ad Breaks)Provides a downloadable template for bulk uploading OTT/Ad Break data.Button
Upload (OTT/Ad Breaks)Enables you to upload a list of OTT/Ad Break IDs for targeting.Button
Number of SChain HopsAllows you to set whether to allow or block specific Supply Chain Hops (SChain Hops) for inventory targeting.DropdownAllow, Block
Number of SChain Hops SelectionEnables you to select or input the specific number of SChain Hops for inventory targeting.DropdownOne, Two
Bidstream SignalsAllows you to specify whether to allow or block specific Bidstream Signals for inventory targeting.Dropdown
Bidstream Signals SelectionEnables you to select or input specific bidstream signals for targeting.DropdownDevice ID Available, GPS Data Available
Content IAB CategoryRepresents the section for selecting and managing IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) content categories.Section Header
Category NameDisplays the name of each IAB content category with an option to expand and view subcategories.Text with Expand iconExamples: Food & Drink, Hobbies & Interests, Cigars, etc.
Allow (Category)Allows targeting of content within the specified IAB content category.Option
Block (Category)Blocks targeting of content within the specified IAB content category.Option
Expand Icon (Category)Clicking the expand icon opens subcategories or additional options for the selected IAB category.Example: Expand to view subcategories of Food & Drink.
SaveSaves the selected allow/block configurations for the IAB content categories.Button
SummaryDisplays a summary of the selected and saved configurations for content IAB targeting.Section FooterExample: Food & Drink: Allow, Sports: Block.

Add Video signal targeting

The table includes a definition for each field in the Add Video signal targeting section:

Field NameDescriptionTypeValue
CTV Content ChannelAllows you to specify whether to allow or block specific CTV content channels for targeting.DropdownAllow, Block
CTV Content Channel SelectionEnables you to select specific CTV content channels for targeting.DropdownExample: News, Sports, Entertainment
CTV GenreAllows you to specify whether to allow or block specific genres of CTV content for targeting.DropdownAllow, Block
CTV Genre SelectionEnables you to select specific genres for targeting.DropdownExample: Comedy, Drama, Documentary
CTV Content RatingAllows you to specify whether to allow or block specific CTV content ratings for targeting.DropdownAllow, Block
CTV Content Rating SelectionEnables you to select specific content ratings for targeting.DropdownExample: TV-Y7: Directed to old children, TV-MA: Mature Audience Only
Content LanguageAllows you to specify whether to allow or block content based on language.DropdownAllow, Block
Content Language SelectionEnables you to select specific content languages for targeting.DropdownExample: English, Spanish, French
Content LivestreamAllows you to specify whether to allow or block livestream content for targeting.DropdownAllow, Block
Content Livestream SelectionEnables you to select whether to include or exclude livestream content in targeting.DropdownExample: True (Livestream)
Content NetworkAllows you to specify whether to allow or block specific content networks for targetingDropdownAllow, Block
Content Network SelectionEnables you to select specific content networks for targeting.DropdownExample: ABC, HBO, ESPN
SkippableAllows you to specify whether to allow or block skippable ads for targeting.DropdownAllow, Block
Skippable SelectionEnables you to select specific skippable options for targeting.DropdownExample: Skippable

Boost your Deal’s performance with KPI targeting

The table includes a definition for each field in the Boost your Deal's performance with KPI targeting section:

Field NameDescriptionTypeValue
Click Through RateAllows you to specify whether to allow or block specific click through rate for targeting.DropdownAllow, Block
Click Through Rate SelectionEnables you to select specific Click Through Rate (CTR) for targeting.DropdownExample: 0.1% and Greater, 0.2% and Greater
Video Completion RateAllows you to specify whether to allow or block targeting based on Video Completion Rate (VCR).DropdownAllow, Block
Video Completion Rate SelectionEnables you to select specific VCR targeting options.DropdownExample: 95% and Greater, 90% and Greater
ViewabilityAllows you to specify whether to allow or block targeting based on Viewability.DropdownAllow, Block
Viewability SelectionEnables you to select specific viewability thresholds for targeting.DropdownExample: 95% and Greater, 90% and Greater
Open MeasurementAllows you to specify whether to allow or block targeting based on Open Measurement-enabled inventory.DropdownAllow, Block
Open Measurement SelectionEnables you to select targeting options for Open Measurement.DropdownExample: OM available

Add Device signals targeting

The table includes a definition for each field in the Add Device signals targeting section:

Field NameDescriptionTypeValue
Browser LanguageAllows you to specify whether to allow or block device signals targeting based on the browser language.DropdownAllow, Block
Browser Language SelectionEnables you to select specific browser languages for device signals targeting.DropdownExample: Arabic, English, etc.
Device ModelAllows you to specify whether to allow or block device signals targeting based on device model.DropdownAllow, Block
Device Model SelectionEnables users to select specific device models for device signals targeting.DropdownExample: Alcatel, Amazon, etc.
Device OSAllows you to specify whether to allow or block device signal targeting based on the operating system (OS) of devices.DropdownAllow, Block
Device OS SelectionEnables you to select specific operating systems for device signals targeting.DropdownExample: Android, Android TV