Add Inventory targeting Workflow
This section guides you through the workflow for setting the Add Inventory targeting parameters in the Deal Portal. For the Add Inventory targeting field details, see the Data Dictionary for Add Inventory targeting section.

Add Inventory targeting
Follow these steps for setting the Deal Inventory parameters:
1. Add Inventory targeting
- Click to expand the Add Inventory targeting section. This section allows you to target your deal based on inventory type, list of bundles, list of apps, list of ad spaces, list of OTT/Ad Breaks, number of SChain Hops, bidstream signals, and control IAB category.
2. Inventory Type
- From the Inventory Type dropdown menu, select the Allow option.
The default option is set to Allow.
- Allow: When you select Allow, you permit your selected inventory type to display your ads.
- Block: When you select Block, you restrict your selected inventory type to display your ads

Select Allow option for Inventory Type
- From the dropdown list, click to select one or more Inventory Type options you want to allow or block for your ads. As a result your deal will be passed downstream to DSPs only for requests that are coming from a specific environment. You can choose from the following options:

Select Inventory Type option
- After you select the Inventory Type option, your selected Inventory Type option will be automatically added and saved to your deal.
- Remove selected Inventory Type option from selection:
- To remove your selected Inventory Type option, click the x next to it. The option will be removed for your deal.
- To remove all selected Inventory Type options, click the Remove All X button located at the bottom of the selection box.

Remove selected Inventory Type option
3. List of Bundles
- From the List of Bundles/Domain dropdown menu, select either the Allow or Block option.
The default option is set to Allow.
- Allow: When you select Allow, you permit your selected bundles/domain to display your ads. This will allow you to control where your deals are shown.
- Block: When you select Block, you restrict your selected bundles/domain from displaying your ads.

Select Allow or Block option for List of Bundles
- To add the Bundles / Domains ID, Click the Bulk Upload Template button to download the targeting template. For more information on template, see Supply Targeting Upload template.

To download the Bundles/Domain IDs template
- Open the downloaded template and fill in the Bundles/Domains ID. Ensure the Bundle/Domain ID is in the correct format; incorrect formatting will result in invalid entries.
- After filling in the Bundle/Domain ID, click the Upload button

To upload the Bundles/Domain IDs template
- You will see the Bundles/ Domains -View More label next to the dropdown menu, indicating the number of Bundles/Domain ID added ( for example, 17 Bundles/Domains ).

To view uploaded Bundle/Domain IDs
- Click on the Bundle/Domain label to open the Bundles / Domains dialog box.

Bundles/Domains dialog box
- The List of Bundles dialog box will display the Bundle ID based on entries added in the template.

Displaying Bundles/Domain ID
- To remove the Bundle/Domain ID, click the Remove X button corresponding to the Bundle/Domain ID or click the Remove All button at the top right of the dialog box.
- After removing the Bundle/Domain ID , click the Update button to save the changes.
4. List of Apps
- From the List of Apps dropdown menu, select either the Allow or Block option.
The default option is set to Allow.
- Allow: When you select Allow, you permit the selected apps to display your ads.
- Block:When you select Block, you restrict the selected apps from displaying your ads.

Select Allow or Block option for List of Apps
- Click the Bulk Upload Template button to download the supply targeting download template. For more information, see Supply Targeting Upload template

To download the Apps template
- Click the Upload button to upload a template containing the list of Apps

To upload the Apps template
5. List of Ad Spaces
- From the List of Ad Spaces dropdown menu, select either the Allow or Block option.
The default option is set to Allow.
- Allow: When you select Allow, you permit your selected ad space to display your ads.
- Block: When you select Block, you restrict your selected ad space from displaying your ads.

Select Allow or Block option for Ad Spaces
- To add Ad Space ID, Click the Bulk Upload Template button to download the targeting template. For more information on template, see Supply Targeting Upload template

To download the Ad Spaces template
- Open the downloaded template and fill in the Ad Space ID. Ensure the Ad Space ID is in the correct format; incorrect formatting will result in invalid entries.
- After filling in the Ad Space ID, click the Upload button

To upload the Ad Space template
- You will see the Ad Space -View More label next to the dropdown menu, indicating the number of Ad Space added ( for example, 2 Ad Space).

Ad Space dialog box - view list of selected Ad Space IDs
- Click on the Ad Space label to open the Ad Space dialog box.
- The box will display the Ad Space name corresponding to the Ad Space ID added in the template.

Displaying Ad Space name
- To remove the Ad Space ID, click the Remove X button corresponding to the Ad Space ID or click the Remove All button at the top right of the dialog box.
- After removing the Ad Space ID , click the Update button to save the changes.
6. List of OTT / Ad Breaks
- From the List of OTT/Ad Breakdropdown menu for , select either the Allow or Block option.
- Allow: When you select Allow, you permit your selected ad breaks to display on OTT for your ads.
- Block: When you select Block, you restrict your selected ad breaks from being displayed on OTT for your ads.

Select Allow or Block for List of OTT/Ad Breaks
- Click the Bulk Upload Template button to download the supply targeting download template. For more information, see Supply Targeting Upload template.

To download the OTT/Ad Breaks template
- Open the downloaded template and fill in the ID. Ensure the ID is in the correct format; incorrect formatting will result in invalid entries.
- Click the Upload button to upload a template that contains the list of OTT/Ad Breaks.

To upload the OTT/Ad Breaks template
7. Number of SChain Hops
- From the SChain Hops dropdown menu, select either the Allow or Block option. The default option is set to Allow.
- Allow: When you select Allow, you permit your ads to be delivered through the specified number of supply chain hops.
- Block: When you select Block, you restrict your ads to be passed through the selected number of supply chain hops.

Select Allow or Block option for SChain Hops
- From the dropdown list, click to select the number of SChain Hops you want to allow or block for your deal. As a result your deal will be passed downstream to DSPs only for requests that have a specific SPO path, either direct, or have a specific number of intermediaries. You can choose any one number from One to Eight for your deal.

Select SChain Hops option
- After you select the Number of SChain Hops option, your selected Number of SChain Hops option will be automatically added and saved to your deal.
- Remove selected Number of SChain Hops option from selection:
- To remove your selected Number of SChain Hops option, click the x next to it. This will remove your selected option.

Remove selected SChain Hops
8. Bidstream Signals
- From the Bidstream Signals dropdown menu for , select either the Allow or Block option from the Bidstream Signals dropdown menu. The default option is set to Allow.
- Allow: When you select Allow, you permit your selected Bidstream Signals to serve your ads.
- Block: When you select Block, you restrict your selected Bidstream Signals to serve your ads.

Select Allow or Block for Bidstream Signals option
- From the dropdown list, click to select one or more Bidstream Signals options you want to allow or block for your deal. As a result your deal will be passed downstream to DSPs only for requests that are addressable (have device IDs) or enable geolocation (contain GPS lat long data signals). You can select from the following options:

Select Bidstream Signals option
- After you select the Bidstream Signals option, your selected Bidstream Signals option will be automatically added and saved to your deal.
- Remove selected Bidstream Signals option from selection:
- To remove your selected Bidstream Signals option, click thex next to it. This will remove your selected option.
- If you select Allow, only the chosen option will be allowed, and all others will be blocked by default.
- Conversely, if you select Block, only the chosen option will be blocked, and all others will be allowed by default.