API Reference

GAD / Admob (Android)

HyBid integration guide as an adapter SDK for Admob mediation for Android consists of 3 steps:

  1. Configure SDKs
    1.1. Integrate Admob SDK
    1.2. Integrate HyBid SDK and import Admob Adapters

  2. Configure Admob dashboard

  • Banner
  • MRect
  • Interstitial
  • Rewarded Video
  1. Request ads
    3.1. Request ads

Please note that the adapters currently only support standard formats (Banner, Medium, Leaderboard, Interstitial and Rewarded).

You can find a demo app with code samples for this type of integration here.

Configure SDKs

Configure Admob dashboard

Request ads

Ads should be requested using the regular Admob process using the generated Ad Unit IDs. You can find the instructions in the Admob developers page.


Please note: to complete implementation, the HyBid SDK needs to be initialized. Follow the HyBid integration guide and complete this step.